Saturday, December 31, 2011

Diabetes fork spoon

Here is an ambient ad in Sri Lanka for the Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka:

Spoons in Sen-Saal restaurants were replaced with fork-like spoons so customers would reduce their sugar intake.  

Friday, December 30, 2011

Career instructions

Here is an employee recruitment program in Australia:

Career recruitment flyers were slipped inside Ikea's packages.  Customers would ship the Career Instructions directly their home. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Times Square lightsabre battle

To promote the launch of the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game, a gigantic lightsabre battle of Sith vs. Jedis was organized in New York's Times Square:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Zoo animals in the board room

Here are some print ads for the San Fransisco Zoo:

The print ad reads: "When penguins can analyze bond market yield curves, they'll no longer depend on your company's donation"

The print ad reads: "The day koalas learn to manage hedge funds, they'll no longer depend on your company's donation"

The print ad reads: "Once giraffes are able to make sales quotas, they'll no longer depend on your company's donation"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Absolut Purity

Here is a bus shelter in Paris for Absolut:

Using no ink or paint, this poster was created with intricate papercraft created by Simon Schubert.  This video shows Schubert's craft as well as the other artists who participated in Absolut Purity.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Skyscraper sponge

Here is an ambient ad for Scotch-Brite in Spain:

A window washer's platform was decorated to look like a Scotch-Brite sponge, which made it appear as if the gigantic sponge was cleaning the building to everyone looking below.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Topless poster

During Mozambique Fashion Week, Associacao da Luta Contra o Cancro (ALCC) created this topless poster to show the importance of self-examinations to prevent breast cancer:

A topless woman stood behind a poster with two breast-high peep-holes with a message "Touch To Know if it's Real."  When women passing by touched to breast, a flyer was distributed saying "Breast Cancer is Also Real.  Do the Self-Examination and Protect Yourself."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Zombie tear-off limbs

Here is a flier for to promote Fox Crime's zombie-filled show The Walking Dead in Norway:

Details of their iPhone 4S Giveaway promotion were written on limbs of the zombies, which passerby could tear off. 

Friday, December 23, 2011


Here's a commercial from Spain for Pepsi:

Three people sitting under a billboard munching on sunflower seeds ponder on what 12939 stands for.  At the end we get to see what it means. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bus stop kill room

Here is a bus shelter for Showtime's crime-drama tv show Dexter:

To promote the Season Premiere the floor of the bus shelter was covered in a plastic sheeting, fitting for the show's psychotic killing tendencies. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mary Christmas

Here is a billboard for progressive Angelican church St. Matthew in the City in Auckland, New Zealand:

St. Matthew in the City has had some controversial billboards in the past, including the "Poor Joseph.  God was a Hard Act to Follow" billboard:

The "Mary Christmas" billboard is an interesting take on the story of Immaculate Conception.  Although it may not be the portrayal we are familar with, it does present a point-of-view that is more alligned with most people's every day existences.  Vicar Glynn Cardy defends the billboard saying it "is about a real pregnancy, a real mother and a real child.  Mary was young, unmarried and poor.  She was certainly not the first woman in this situation, or the last."    

Monday, December 19, 2011

Power developed for the sea

Here is a print ad from Brazil for the Kawasaki Ultra 300:

This pictograph-style print ad showcases how the Kawasaki Ultra 300 has 3x the horse power for the sea.  The copy roughly translates to 

"New Kawasaki Ultra 300.  Power developed for the sea.
New Kawasaki Ultra 300.  300 hp - New luxury accommodations - Five-position adjustable handlebar - New upper deck - Eco mode - Combustion efficiency mode."

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Take a hair extension

Here's a flier for Tease Studio in Canada to promote their hair extension services:

Friday, December 16, 2011

Le Petit Parkour

Here is a video from Brazil for soft drink Guarana Antarctica:  

This is my style of parkour.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Only a coward beats their child

Here is an ambient ad in China for the Save the Children Global Action Fund:

Punching bags with an image of child carried a tagline that roughly translates to:  Children can never be successful if they are beaten."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Taking the ultimate plunge

Here is an ambient stunt for Wonderbra at the Battersea Power Station in London:

Three female contest winners took a bungee jump straight down the cleavage of a model wearing the new Ultimate Plunge bra in this outdoor poster.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fry night light

Here is a print ad from Canada for McDonald's:

Too bad this is only a print ad, it would make an amazing piece of direct.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pole vaulting

Here are some print ads from France for underwear manufacturer Athena featuring some pretty naked French athletes:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Be prepared with spare underware

Here is a direct mailer for Hopi Hari theme park's annual Horror Hour in Sao Paulo, Brazil:

To celebrate Horror Hour's tenth anniversary, a gift of spare underwear was sent to bloggers and journalists telling them "Hour Hour, 10 Years.  You'd Better be Prepared."